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Category Archives: Immune System Restored

Your Guide to Vitamins

  There are some essential supplements that I think any-body could benefit by including in your “medicine” cabinet: 1.  Omega-3 oil:  our modern diet is typically void of this essential nutrient.  The best sources for omega-3 oil are eggs and fish.  A good quality fish oil or krill oil is the best way to supplement. […]

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Male Vitality 10 Day Cleanse

WHY?  The 10-Day Programs were designed to support individuals that have specific physiological needs such as Male Vitality. Other 10-Day Programs are available: blood sugar, digestion, female vitality, and inflammation. The programs are not designed to replace the 21-Day Purification Program, but are intended to support specific areas of health. MALE VITALITY GUIDELINES The products […]

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Female Vitality 10 Day Cleanse

WHY? The 10-Day Programs were designed to support individuals that have specific physiological needs such as Female Vitality. Other 10-Day Programs are available: blood sugar, digestion, male vitality, and inflammation. The programs are not designed to replace the 21-Day Purification Program, but are intended to support specific areas of health. FEMALE VITALITY GUIDELINES The products […]

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Inflammation 10 Day Cleanse

WHY?  The 10-Day Programs were designed to support individuals that have specific physiological needs such as inflammation. The Inflammation 10 Day Cleanse is designed for inflammation in the digestive tract or anything with an “itis”, such as colitis, diverticulitis, Gingivitis, join and muscle pain, etc. Other 10-Day Programs are available: blood sugar, digestion, male and female […]

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Digestion 10 Day Cleanse

WHY?  The 10-Day Programs were designed to support individuals that have specific physiological needs such as digestion. Other 10-Day Programs are available: blood sugar, inflammation, male and female vitality. The programs are not designed to replace the 21-Day Purification Program, but are intended to support specific areas of health. DIGESTION GUIDELINES The products selected for you […]

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Autoimmunity – A Nutritional Strategy

Until recently the issue of autoimmunity was not even accepted within the scientific community. Although initially introduced in late 70’s, the mechanism of autoimmunity was considered radical until the late 1980s. Throughout the ’90s autoimmune diseases proliferated until it seemed almost common to know a person with an autoimmune disease. Autoimmunity literally means that the immune […]

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Health Care Through a Different Lense

Traditional health care has been dominant for many decades here in the western part of the world. How effective has this been in creating a healthier America? A healthier You? And a healthier family? Americans are indoctrinated to turn to standard medicine such as the use of prescription drugs which typically offer a wide range […]

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Natural Ways to Boost your Immunity

With winter weather approaching, many are concerned about getting sick. As a new flu season dawns, it’s a great time to talk about how to stay healthy and well. The flu vaccine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is the most effective way to prevent the flu; however, it remains a controversial […]

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Whole Food Nutrition and OFC Wellness Round Rock

How clean is your fuel?   Maybe you are reading this and you’re wishing you could trade in your once incredible, vibrantly healthy living machine (body) in for a new model.  Or perhaps you consider yourself a victim of bad genes or bad luck and feel as though you were issued a defective model from the start […]

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Story of Chiropractic

Like conventional medicine, chiropractic is based upon scientific principles of diagnosis through testing and empirical observations. The word “chiropractic” comes from the Greek words cheir (hand) and praxis (action) and literally means “done by hand.”  Instead of prescribing drugs or performing surgeries, chiropractors use manual treatments of the spine and joints, exercise therapy, massage, trigger […]

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