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Category Archives: Chiropractic

Free Kids Day at Osborne Family Chiropractic

Children deserve the opportunity to grow up healthy in all aspects of life. Dr. Ryan Osborne and his staff at Osborne Family Chiropractic Wellness are sponsoring Kids Day with FREE spinal screening for kids ages 0-12 years!  You can register your kid and have a free state-of-the-art spinal screening. This free screening is pain free […]

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Text Neck: Round Rock finds Relief with Chiropractic

Text Neck If you are age 50 and over, you may have incorporated texting on your cell phone or smart phone into regular communications.  If you are between the ages of 30-50, you are probably sending and receiving at least five or six text messages on a daily basis. If you are under the age […]

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Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

We’re big fans of Apple Cider Vinegar, you’ve probably heard it suggested in our office for things like acid reflux, skin issues and well-being!  Our friends over at Natural News had a fantastic infographic that shows just exactly how great Apple Cider Vinegar is!

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Happy Spine, Happy Life!

Making sure you’re spine is in alignment is so important! Why? Because your spine contains your nervous system, and your nervous system controls your ENTIRE body! Visit OFCwellness and Dr. Ryan Osborne will teach you all about your spine, and how getting adjusted can benefit your overall health.

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Story of Chiropractic

Like conventional medicine, chiropractic is based upon scientific principles of diagnosis through testing and empirical observations. The word “chiropractic” comes from the Greek words cheir (hand) and praxis (action) and literally means “done by hand.”  Instead of prescribing drugs or performing surgeries, chiropractors use manual treatments of the spine and joints, exercise therapy, massage, trigger […]

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Vitalistic Chiropractic Care

Most people go to the doctor because they think they have something they shouldn’t have and want to get rid of.  But over the years, we chiropractors have come to understand that the problem when you aren’t feeling well is NOT that you have something you shouldn’t have and need to get rid of; the […]

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Healthy Tune Ups

Why is it that so many people spend more money on maintaining the optimal function of their automobiles every year than maintaining the optimal function of their body?  In a 2010 study AAA calculated the average cost to own and operate a mid-sized car to be 56.6 cents per mile or $8,487/ year based on […]

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How to turn one trillion dollars into sense

How to turn one trillion dollars into sense  “One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemical therapy over nutrition.  It’s the substitution of artificial therapy over natural, of poisons over food, in which we are feeding people poisons trying to correct the reactions of starvation.”                                                           Dr. Royal Lee, 1935 […]

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Adjustments at Any Age

Chiropractic is great for you at ANY age! Think about the amount of stress put on your babies’ body during birth, and think about the amount of pressure put on your teen athlete’s body during training or a game.  Adjustments are not just for adults.  Make your families health a priority as well as your […]

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Optimizing the Human Potential with Chiropractic Nutrition Massage Acupuncture in Round Rock

We invite you to take personal control of your health and we are here to guide you. Our approach identifies and treats root causes, all the while providing natural solutions to the symptoms that impact you every day. We have committed our office to identifying and understanding the hidden causes of your most perplexing health […]

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